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Flash Mentoring: Using an Outside-In Perspective to Speed Product Development & Launch

Estimated reading time: 2 mins

We have been looking at how companies’ new product launches are delayed and sometimes never get off the ground.  Helping companies launch new services for pharmaceutical manufacturers has been the basis of our business.  We are always looking for ways to help our clients launch services faster and more profitably.

Typically, the two biggest stumbling blocks to a product launch are (1) the lack of resources (typified in "it is everyone's job to launch this service," therefore no one is accountable) and (2) a subject matter expert who isn’t sure how to launch a new service as a product offering. Today’s post will focus on resolving the latter.

Flash Mentoring - Designing the Mentorship
I have found that what I call "Flash Mentoring" works well to establish a new pace of development, generate new organizational skills, create a track record of high performance, and give an "outside-in" perspective.

What is Flash Mentoring?
I’m defining Flash Mentoring as a limited engagement project to assist a company (and, specifically, a project leader) launch a new capability in half the time it would have taken otherwise.  The project timing can be as little as one meeting or as long as a couple of months.  

Flash Mentoring Benefits
Being an outside third party gives us some advantages over internal coaches in a Flash Mentoring relationship because we can:

  1. Communicate openly and candidly. We don’t decide someone’s next raise.

  2. Gauge the level of commitment. Sometimes the desire is there, but others don’t pay attention—or the inverse might be the case.

  3. Share experiences from across many companies and launches. Techniques and methods from other launches can add insight.

  4. Focus on action strategies, making sure the plan is going to move forward.

  5. Identify risks—something that is easier with an outsider. Risks aren’t weaknesses and aren’t personal.

In addition, Flash Mentoring can provide non-judgmental feedback to the mentee, to the project team, and on the plan itself.

Measure the Improvement

We have found that clients who take advantage of Flash Mentoring see not only a decrease in the time to launch the initial project, but also a decrease in launch time for subsequent projects. In other words, the increased proficiencies in the first new development project apply to subsequent projects, as well. As a result, future projects require fewer mentoring resources (although a thorough project review is still in order).

Over the long term, we have been able to measure an increase in the organization's professional competence as well as note improved professionalism in general.  Trust and calculated risk-taking both increase, while lower job stress and role conflicts yield a happier and more productive work environment.

Call to Discuss the Capabilities
Flash Mentoring projects are limited-commitment engagements.  Usually within two weeks we know how well it’s going to work, how long it will last, and what the impact will be.  There are minimal costs out of the gate until we determine how wide the scope is.

To find out more about our capabilities, call Brian Bamberger at 215-885-1029.